St. Catharine Church
500 S. Gould Rd
Columbus Ohio

SPICE creates awareness that special needs exist with students who belong to our parish. Our parish is an extension of the family, the basic unit of the Catholic Church. Just as parents try to do all they can for their children, so does our parish family try to do all that it can for its members.
SPICE creates an atmosphere that supports these students’ needs and creates a model for other parishes both within the Diocese and beyond.
SPICE allows our parish community to provide additional funding for the following opportunities:
• classroom aides, tutors & interpreters
• speech & occupational therapists
• teacher and staff continuing education
• classroom support materials and software
• individual grants for summer tutoring and
specialized programs
Although these extra items are intended for those with special
needs, effective instruction of any child will enhance the
learning of every child.