Support SPICE at St. Catharine
St. Catharine Church
500 S. Gould Rd
Columbus Ohio

Your prayers, commitment and
financial support are all needed for
the success of the SPICE Program.
All are equally important and we
thank you for whatever you can do.

Yes, I would like to put some SPICE in St. Catharine Parish.
Please accept my enclosed donation.
Saffron Level $1000 +
Sugar Level $500-999
Cinnamon Level $250-499
Nutmeg Level $150-249
Salt & Pepper Level $ 25-149
Other $ ______
Name: _________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ___________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________
For a printer friendly PDF version of this form please click HERE.
SPICE at St. Catharine Parish
2865 Fair Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43209
ALL GIFTS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Gifts of securities are easily accepted and corporate matching programs are welcome. Please inquire with any questions at (614)235-1396